To Birds in Art, with love from Denmark

A great crested grebe, sketched on Sortedam So, one of the concrete lakes at the edge of Copenhagen's City Center. The facing page is a sketch of the canal around Christianborg Castle, where a swimming race was underway. The copper-roofed building behind the bridge is the Old Stock Exchange, built in  1619. Watercolor over pencil, 5 x 8 Moleskine.
A great crested grebe, sketched on Sortedam So, one of the concrete lakes at the edge of Copenhagen’s City Center. The facing page is a sketch of the canal around Christianborg Castle, where a swimming race was underway. The copper-roofed building behind the bridge is the Old Stock Exchange, built in 1619. Watercolor over pencil, 5 x 8 Moleskine.

This is a special weekend- Birds In Art is currently underway at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Museum in Wausau, Wisconsin. My great friend (and great human being), Barry Van Dusen, is being honored as this year’s Master Artist. A brilliant choice, more than richly deserved. I’m guessing that at this very moment he’s on the podium, gold medallion on silk ribbon around his neck, giving a stirring speech. Also at this moment: a black carriage drawn by a blond-maned draft horse is trotting an elegantly-dressed group to a restaurant down the street, and an accordion player  is squeezing out “Fernando’s Hideaway” alongside the canal. Nothing whatever to do with Birds in Art, but a little detail never hurts.

Congratulations, Barry!

Barry Van Dusen scope draws shorebirds in a Connecticut marsh, while bird artist Mike DiGiorgio does the same right behind.
Barry Van Dusen scope draws shorebirds in a Connecticut marsh, as fellow bird artist Mike DiGiorgio does the same.

Sketching with him has always been among my most priceless experiences. He can brush the richest watercolors into autumn marsh scenes, patiently draw shorebirds through a scope on windy coasts, and sit comfortably cross-legged in leaf litter, painting early-blooming hepaticas. And make it look easy as breathing. To Barry, I owe much. 

In honor of today’s ceremony: a few bird sketches, a little landscape, and one random photo from Copenhagen. Wish I could be in Wisconsin. For a few moments, anyway.

Happy Friday.

Who can ever get enough swans, and what's a castle moat without them? Mute Swans, Copenhagen. Watercolor over pencil, Moleskine 5 x8.
Who can ever get enough swans, and what’s a castle moat without them? Mute Swans, Copenhagen. Watercolor over pencil, Moleskine 5 x8.
Common black-headed gulls, Copenhagen harbor, watercolor over pencil, Stillman & Birn sketchbook, 8 1/2" x 11".
Common black-headed gulls, Copenhagen harbor, watercolor over pencil, Stillman & Birn sketchbook, 8 1/2″ x 11″.
Purple-blooming heather on the moors of Northern Zealand, Denmark.
Purple-blooming heather on the moors of Northern Zealand, Denmark.
Copenhagen street scene, with bicycles.
Copenhagen street scene, with bicycles.



2 thoughts on “To Birds in Art, with love from Denmark

  1. Kathy Foley says:

    Greetings, Debby. Love your blog post and heartfelt tribute to Barry as well as your wonderful watercolor sketches. Hope you are well and that our paths will cross again before long. All best, Kathy

  2. Sherrie York says:

    Missed you this weekend, but hey! Looks like you’re in sketchbook heaven over there. Barry did indeed rock the house with laughter and inspiration, as we knew he would. To the Motmot with love…

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